Captain Wagner is the young, full-of-life, space-faring ship captain in the Earth System. He runs a command ship called the SS Invincible. He's in his 30s, has educated himself in ship piloting, and commands the 37th Division. He commands a crew on his ship of 126 people, and the 37th Division has roughly 300 ships, 400 ship crewmembers, and 400 soldiers.

Captain Wagner was born in 2056. He went to Greyhound's General Captain School at age 18 and graduated in the upper margins of his class. His first ship after school was a ARg-12m-790 -- a multi person crewship, general model. Eventually, he earned enough money doing one-off cargo runs that he upgraded to an ARm-27m-1100. Another multi person crewship, but a military edition. He used this ship in a territory battle in the asteroid belt -- not for land, but resources -- and won without taking a singular hit. He proved to be better at flying the ship than commanding his men, so he elected to have a small board of military strategists and remained Pilot-Captain. His crew was about 40 people at this time.

Now, in modern days, Captain Wagner owns a SEC-2000, a 100 meter long fight-cargo cruiser. Usually, he sits in the back (with divisions 30-40) and sends troops in via carrier, but his ship is well enough armored that he's comfortable with getting into the heat of battle. He has a military strategist board of 4 people, and a massive crew of 126 people. The ship "parks" in between Mars and Jupiter. However, they are taking their first out-of-system mission in due time... to Alpha Centauri.